After a long day of work, I came home for some girl time with my little sister. When she saw I was home, she asked, “Did you hear about that shooting?” My response was, “Which one?” To live in a world where that is now the first thing out of my mouth breaks my heart. It hurts to know that violence has become more regular than it should be, and that the same headlines seam to be appearing again.
It is easy to lose hope in a time so dark. All those killed are someone’s brother, husband, father and son. These people had lives they loved and people they cherished. They had hobbies and favorite things just like everyone else. They will not see children grow up, life milestones reached, or grow old with their loved ones. I cannot fathom getting a call that my loved one was shot and killed, nor do I ever want to know that feeling. There are now funerals being planned all across this country. Tears shed, lives forever changed by a mere 10 seconds.
Living in a world so violent where 2 year olds are killed by bullets while buckled into their car seats is unsettling. It makes me wonder what the world will look like down the road when I have a family of my own. Will my children see streams of evening news solely filled with tragedy and violence?
No matter your job, race, religion, political affiliation or demographics, what is happening in America is downright disheartening. Send thoughts and prayers to all those involved across our mourning nation especially the mothers now burying their children that were supposed to outlive them.
This is a time of grief and reflection. Violence because of violence only deepens wounds further and perpetuates hopelessness. Seek a solution. It is time to actively, peacefully and productively strive for resolution to the issues facing our country today. America was built on the foundation of bigger ideas, forward thinking, and living in freedom and cooperation. Those qualities will see us through, so long as we do so together.