Four Heartwarming Simpsons Episodes
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Four Heartwarming Simpsons Episodes

When an amazing comedy also delivers on great feel-good moments

Four Heartwarming Simpsons Episodes
The Independent

The Simpsons is one of, if not, the best written Animated series of all time, as well one of the best-written television shows of all time. While the series regularly delivers laughs, the show also serves up plenty of helpings of emotions, in the form of heartwarming moments, scenes, and entire plot lines. Here are some of the best that the show has to offer.

1. I Love Lisa

In this episode, Lisa gives Ralph, the resident awkward child of her class, a Valentine, after not receiving any. Immediately, Ralph becomes infatuated with Lisa, after someone finally pays attention to him, and treats him as a human being. While this plot does lead to extremely awkward moments, such as Lisa rejecting Ralph on live television, the episode as a whole has endearing moments. The message of the episode is that it is easy to be kind to others and that sometimes small acts of kindness can mean a lot to someone. Again, while awkward at times, the episode does make the viewer feel good at the end, as Ralph finally feels a sense of self-worth, and value for once in his life.

2. A Streetcar Named Marge

In a plot mirroring the events of A Streetcar Named Desire, while focusing on a musical version of the same play, Marge becomes fed up with Homer's complete ignorance towards her. Marge's rage slowly builds throughout the episode, as she realizes that Homer feels complete apathy towards anything Marge is involved in. Marge's rage climaxes towards the end, after Homer actually shows up to her production of Streetcar, but fails to applaud at the end, and has a clear look of disappointment on his face. The true heartwarming moment results from this, however, as after Marge confronts Homer about this, he reveals that he loved the production, and only looked and felt sad because he was enthralled, as opposed to bored. Homer felt genuine sadness at the treatment of Blanche in the show, and in this moment, indirectly reflected on his own actions, and showed remorse for them. Homer's genuine sadness, and Marge's realization of this, leads to a true heartwarming sensation, as for once, Homer took interest in Marge's activities, and felt guilty for his previous actions. Rather than other times where the marriage of the two suffers, and then miraculously returns to normal by the end of the episode, this episode featured an instance that actually seemed realistic, and not an "ass-pull". The way the conflict is resolved feels genuine, and results in an extremely positive sensation.

3. Bart Gets an "F"

This episode is especially heartwarming because Bart actually tries to achieve a goal for once, but still manages to fail. With the option of repeating Fourth Grade on the line, Bart actually strives to study, and do well on his final test, but still manages to end up failing. Instead of classic Bart that would simply ignore this additional failure, Bart's heart is truly broken, and he breaks down emotionally and physically. Even after all the work Bart put in, he still fails, which clearly made Bart come to a horrifying revelation that he is truly a failure, even when he tries to change that. The audience feels true empathy for Bart for once, and allows Bart to be painted as a fully fleshed out human, with real emotions for once.

4. And Maggie Makes Three

Best episode for feels hands down.

Homer finally has everything he wants in life; debt is paid off, quit his job at the Power Plant, and has achieved his dream job of working at a bowling ally. Life quickly changes though, as Marge tells Homer that she is pregnant again, forcing Homer to make major decisions. To have enough money to take care of another child, Homer is forced to beg for his job back at the Power Plant; Mr. Burns is clearly unhappy about this, so to make Homer truly suffer, he makes him a sign that says "don't forget you're here forever". The truly heartwarming moment of the episode comes at the end when it is revealed that Homer turned this sign into one that says "do it for her", by covering up letters with pictures of his new baby, Maggie. The only thing getting Homer through his own personal suffering is the constant reminder that he is doing it all for someone he loves and truly cares about. This moment alone makes the whole episode, and creates one of the most emotional, and feel good moments in the series to date.

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