Your Heart Rate Doesn't Lie | The Odyssey Online
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Your Heart Rate Doesn't Lie

No matter the age, gender or fitness level, heart rate based training will work 100 percent of the time.

Your Heart Rate Doesn't Lie

Technology used during exercise has become very popular today. Whenever you are at the gym or a fitness class, take notice of all the wearable technology around you. There are so many different types of heart rate monitors and they all take on different shapes and sizes.

These Fitbits or Apple watches, for example, are beneficial for tracking your workouts longterm, but they are very important for tracking your current heart rate throughout your workout.

Exercising based around heart rate is a great way to train. No matter the age, gender or fitness level, heart rate based training will work 100 percent of the time. You will benefit the most when you reach your target heart rate for 20-35 minutes.

Your target heart rate should be between 70-85 percent of your max heart rate. You find your MHR by subtracting your age from 220. This is your key to burning away any unwanted body fat. The higher your heart rate is, the more calories you will burn, but less fat. It is important to spend the most time around 70 percent, but increase your intensity at some point during your workout in order to get that extra calorie burn.

Wearing a heart rate monitor and keeping an eye on your heart rate will prevent under or over training. If your heart rate is too low, that means the intensity of your activity is not where it needs to be if you want to lose weight. Under training is not beneficial to your health and if you aren't going to push yourself, it defeats the purpose of exercising.

You don't want to under train, but the importance of not overtraining is just as important. If you push yourself too hard and your heart rate is about 90 percent of your max HR, you are not improving your fitness and could injure yourself. Monitoring your heart rate and making sure you are not over working will improve your workout and fitness level.

Orangetheory Fitness is a HIIT group fitness organization that utilizes the importance of your heart rate and creates daily workouts to train you in and out of difference heart rate zones. Heart rate based training is scientifically backed and guarantees success for any fitness level.

I am a strong believer in heart rate based training because it is science backed and is proven to get you the best results. Your heart rate doesn't lie and it's universal so any person can rely on this during their workout.

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