There is a lot of things that shouldn't be happening to young people, but here we are. Anxiety, depression and other health problems shouldn't be occurring to young people. Our bodies should start falling apart when we are in our seniors. Isn't that how it goes? Young Adults should not have to down 4 shots of espresso to get through the working day. We should be able to take care of ourselves. The sad part is that we know how to take care of ourselves, but money is more and more of an issue on how we can't. I shouldn't be 25 and already having heart problems because I can't afford to go to the doctor or eat decent food.
There is a lot of outside stimuli that can affect the heart in many different ways. Hypertension is a big one that we need to be talking about. They say that those who are stressed on the daily have shorter lives. Stress is translating on to the younger generations as we go along. Suicide rates are reaching the younger ages and that's not a good thing. We can blame many things, but in the end, we need to manage our daily stresses. Caffeine, stress and how we eat affects our heart. There are many things we can change in order to save our heart.
An interesting fact is that women experience heart attacks differently than men and they are less likely to go get their symptoms checked out by a doctor. There is a stigma surrounding women that they put the health of their family first or the needs first before checking on themselves. That needs to stop because " you can't pour from an empty cup". The fact that women are experiencing more and more heart problems nowadays shows that stress and other negative factors are becoming part of everyday life according to The American Heart Association. Imagine that!
Unfortunately, with the rise of feminism, there is an additional stress. I am for the rights of women becoming equal to men, but some people take on a different perspective then others. With anger surrounding women's issues, it's becoming more apparent that some women aren't handling it well. Did you know everyday stress can lead to Hypertension? I should know because I suffer from hypertension. Learning to manage everyday stresses that keep piling up is both hard and subjective. Asking for advice about managing everyday stress is like asking a fish their opinion on oxygen.
As this is becoming more and more of a serious matter, the younger generation may just have to realign their lives. The fact a lot of young people aren't reproducing at the rate of population replenishment shows that we need to take care of ourselves. A good thing to think about is adding to your life is a hobby that sparks joy even if you only practice it for 5 minutes a day. Remember to take care of yourself because you are the only you that you have.