I wouldn’t say that my mom and I have always been besties. I never really understood those girls who would say that they told their moms everything. You see, at a young age, my parents separated. I don’t have any recollection of my parents being together, and they had joint custody over me. But I have always been a “Daddy’s girl.” I love my dad so much, and think the world of him. In the meantime, I basically neglected my mom.
My mom seemed to annoy the crap out of me at all times. Sometimes, she still does. What was always really bizarre to me was how crazy my mother seemed to me, yet not to my friends. Everyone would constantly talk about what a sweet lady she was, and I was like, “Yeah, if only you knew…” But it wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I realized that my mom is one of the most loving people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
The reason my mom is so frustrating is because she loves her children so much. She freaks out when our rooms aren’t clean because she doesn’t want our guests to think we are slobs. She hates it when we go anywhere without money. She's the type of woman that gives us her last few dollars to make sure that we have cash on us at all times. Like most ladies, she is obsessed with shopping and really loves shopping for her kids. That lady has bought ridiculous amounts of clothing for me. About 95 percent of her Facebook wall is made up of posts about how proud she is of her kids. Most importantly, she is always praying for us.
It used to drive me crazy when my mom would go from being mad to singing a song about the Lord. Like, what? How can you be so upset one minute and then praise God the next? I’ve finally realized that my mom found comfort in that. In praising the Lord, she found joy, and that set a great example for me. When I became a senior in high school, my mom made it very obvious that she was proud, amazed, and a little sad about how quickly I had grown up. That’s when I realized my mom really does love me, and I knew she’d be sad to see me move away, but that she was going to constantly support me, no matter what.
Now that I am a college student, I see my mom only a handful of times throughout the school year. This has truly shown me how helpful my mom is because now I have to do my own laundry, clean my own room, buy my own things, etc. I actually talk to my mom a lot now, about anything and everything. And even when I tell my mom things that I’ve come to regret, I know that she loves me so much, and that her love is something that will never go away.
Thanks, Mom, for putting up with my horrible attitude, for providing me for all of my needs, for being a great example and role model, and for keeping me in your prayers. Your love is amazing. I’m so glad that you have become one of my best friends. You are such a blessing to me. Thanks for always being so proud of me and making me feel like I was special. You’re amazing, and I’m so proud to be your daughter. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you, Mommy!