"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD.plans for welfare, and not for evil. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
We all probably know this verse very well, enough to not have to look at it, but do we really sit down and meditate on the meaning behind the verse?
I know I have these past few days preparing for this big step we call college. Along with college comes with many different emotions and sometimes happiness as well. But the one thing that keeps me going is the passion I have for Christ and how much I really want him to change me for the better and use me during this new season.
Last night while I was having dessert with my department I was able to speak to someone whom I just met about what we both want to see here at GC and how we both had the same passion for Christ. At first I was really nervous and my hands were still shaking from Saturday night, but the Lord just knew the right words at the right time.
During that moment, for the first time since I got there. I felt at ease. I felt like everything was all starting to fall into place and it was all because of him and his glory and I can't begin to tell you how much it amazes me that he was able to use my struggles and strengths to help those around me. I also hope that he will continue to do so.
So if your at a stance in your life where you don't feel comfortable with your surroundings like me. Just trust him and strive for his presence. He will show you the light and the way of which you should go and will do so.mant great things for you that you would never imagine.