My doctor never warned me about the dangerous side effects of
Loving someone too deeply. This I had to find out for myself the
Hard way. I gave every fiber of my being into loving you and it still
Never was enough. I felt every ache and pain of losing myself in you
And even found comfort in it. I felt it even stronger when you cut away
The roots you had so graciously let me plant in you. I was not expecting
The side effects of the love I gave to you to be so unbearably painful when
You promised there would be none at all. I had become so used to these
Feelings that I could not remember what it was like without them. I had
Turned into the warnings that I so naively ignored. But I have realized
That I am more than just the side effects of a bad dose of heartbreak candy
Coated with nice words. While your bad intentions taught me what pain
Really is, they also taught me to always read the fine print before taking too
Big of a dose of what I believe to be love.