For years I and many others have talked about the habits they would like to change and the workouts they would like to begin, yet we may start our change and then fall off of the wagon. I personally have gone through countless "diets" and bursts of gym visits but never seemed to have the willpower to stick to it due to the rush of life and convenience of fast food. If you want to make the transition into new habits you will have to get into the right mindset and increase your motivation as well as dedication.
Healthy changes do not occur overnight
This idea was hard for me to realize, I thought that I could kick the bad habits cold turkey and I would never have to worry about it again. I was mistaken, while beginning my health journey throughout this past month I have struggled with wanting sodas or just snacking due to boredom but it took that motivation that I had to treat myself but in different ways. You have to let your body relax sometimes but it's up to you to start adding in those healthier options.
Finding workouts that you enjoy are essential
This is really the key to making sure you stick to working out. Growing up I was active through highschool by playing sports but when you do not have those to fall back on you need to find out what makes YOU feel good. I started the Chloe Ting summer shred challenge and seemed to stick to it because I felt really great about myself afterward. I decided to also begin dance party workouts, my favorite ones being from MadFit on Youtube.
Certain changes aren't needed by everyone
I decided to make this change because I wanted to work on my weight and make sure that these changes will help my body in the long run so I decided to begin calorie counting. I always had a habit of constantly snacking and not pay attention to what I put into my body. While I began this, it essentially comes down to your body personally and what changes you want to see. If you are at a healthy weight and are just wanting to work out more or maybe incorporate more fruits and vegetable calorie counting might not be essential.
Don't focus on the setbacks focus on your improvement
This is something I told myself from the beginning. I have weighed myself for the past month and through my changes have lost 10 pounds. The weight can fluctuate which upset me for a while but then you can realize the difference you have made is bigger than the extra pound you somehow gained. I also try not to focus too much on the weight but really just how I am feeling. You will see clothes fit better, having more energy and motivation to work out, and even just the feeling that you have about yourself changing.
Work hard and only do it for yourself!