It’s the start of the new year, which means that gyms are stuffed with new members that are once again attempting to attain a toned, fit body for the new year. This common goal seems to be on everyone’s list come the time for a new slate. It makes sense. The body is a type of machine, and we want it to work well. However, people seem to forget another essential component to a healthy lifestyle: a healthy mind.
It seems like an easy, almost silly resolution to add to the list. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, it is of utmost importance to take care of the mind. After all, you use it every single day, and it too needs to be taken care of, so it can operate as efficiently as possible.
So how does one actually take care of the mind? Here are some tasks that can help someone give their mind some much needed TLC.
Coloring books have been shown to help your mind relax without turning your brain into the passive, almost deadened state it goes into during yet another Netflix binge. It’s also a great way to stay creative and makes some great Instagram pictures!
2. Crossword Puzzles
Crossword puzzles help cognitive function in your brain, which is fancy-speak for the parts of your brain that help you learn new information. It doesn’t have to be the New York Timescrossword, it can be any crossword you find online!
3. Reading (for pleasure)
Like crossword puzzles, reading helps with the cognitive functions in your brain. Reading is also a great way to relax and wind down at the end of a long day. It doesn’t have to be "War and Peace,"(unless you want it to be!) it can just be some fun, lighthearted reading at the end of the day. If you need a recommendation on what to read, head over to!
4. Spend quality time with loved ones
I’ve made it a personal goal of mine this semester to spend more time with people I know care about me. There really is nothing like sharing smiles and just talking to friends over lunch. It does wonders for the soul. Put down your phone and really connect with those around you.
5. Get Moving!
Exercising also helps you feel on top of the world. Due to the release of endorphins throughout your system, a positive, uplifting feeling is triggered. Exercising in the morning can make your entire day better! Just take it slowly and start creating a habit.
6. Journal it up!
Journaling is a wonderful way to create an environment for self-reflection at the end of the day. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can better help you to deal with emotions and stress. It’s also a great way to figure out what you truly value in life. For example, asking yourself questions like, Did I get everything that I wanted to get done today done? If not, why didn’t I get those tasks done? Simple questions like these can really help in figuring out who you are as a person and what you value.
These are just some simple ways to get treat yo’ self mentally in 2016. There are plenty of other ways too. You just need to find what works for you, and you’ll be golden.