Life is stressful. I'm sure everybody wants to be healthy, but sometimes it's just not possible to always be 100% committed to eating right all the time or working out every day. Once in a while, life can just get the best of us, and we simply don't have the time or money to make the healthiest choices. However, there are small things that you can do which will contribute to an overall healthier lifestyle.
1. Drink a glass of water in the morning
I always like to fill up a cup of water before I go to bed so that it's sitting on my nightstand, ready to drink as soon as I wake up. If you add some freshly squeezed lemon, it can help with bloating.
2. Stretch when you get out of bed
Stretching will make you less tense all day, and it can help relax you first thing in the morning. It doesn't take that much effort. I like to stretch each leg for a minute each and another minute down the middle. If you want to go above and beyond with stretching, sign up for a local yoga class!
3. Eat small, frequent meals
This is one technique I can personally speak to. Having three large meals can lead through hunger in between, which could result in excess and unwanted snacking. To avoid this, I try to eat periodically throughout the day in small amounts.
4. Track your steps
FitBits are so in. I'm sure you've already heard this before, but it is recommended to take 10,000 steps a day. I used to track my steps with the health app on my phone, but then I realized I didn't want to take my phone everywhere with me. A fit bit is much more accurate when it comes to tracking steps. This way, you can figure out if you need to keep on walking for the day to meet your goal.
5. Get eight hours of sleep
A lack of sleep can have a negative effect on both physical and mental health. Eight hours is the recommended amount of sleep. Any less than that will leave you feeling drained for the day, and any more can actually make you more sleepy.