If you’re part of the majority of Americans who struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, listen up. In the midst of our crazy life and demanding schedule, we often forget about numero uno. As hard as it may be to believe, it is possible to take care of your daily tasks as well as keep yourself happy and healthy. Here's a few tips and ideas if you're considering making some changes.
Lose the fad diets.
I'm going to get this one out of the way because it has to be my biggest pet peeve. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these are less than ideal. Sure, you may drop a few pounds, but they are called fad diets for a reason. They are not long-term “solutions” because they just confuse your body and pile up the discouragement. If there was a fad diet or magic pill that worked, America would no longer be one of the most obese countries in the world. Do yourself a favor and stray away from these.
Cut calories where you can.
Counting calories is just plain exhausting and a waste of time in my opinion. It can become obsessive and frustrating. The best strategy to go about calories is to use your common sense — it’s easier than you think. One of the most important things to remember is to not drink your calories. Ditch the soda when you can. Just do it. They leave you feeling unsatisfied and will not provide the proper nutrients your body needs. As a college student, however, not drinking your calories can be difficult to do. Consider ordering a water vodka lime that will total in at just 96 calories over a traditional rum and coke with a whopping 250 calories per drink. Plus, you’ll avoid a hangover because you aren’t consuming nearly a fraction of the sugar and you’re staying hydrated with water. It’s a win, win!
Cardio is your friend.
Running, walking, swimming, biking — you name it — will all do the trick. Not only are you burning calories and sweating out toxins when you exercise, but your body is releasing endorphins, a “feel good” hormone that boosts mood and overall happiness. Get together a group of friends to attend a spin or Zumba class. You’d be amazed at the difference it makes having people for support. Try to fit in cardio once a day or every other day for a week, and I promise you will notice an improvement.
Portion distortion.
You have heard it a dozen times: Portion is key. There's just no need to fill an entire plate with your dish. Make sure you keep portions no bigger than the size of your fist and ensure that your plate is colorful. Eat slowly and think about the amount of food you really should be consuming. Often times, we get so caught up in our food and forget that the purpose of eating is to fuel our bodies. If you did nothing else other than adjusted your portions, you would still see results and feel more energized.
Get some Zzz's.
If you’re anything like me, I find myself wasting time at night and staying up late for no reason. Okay maybe it’s because I value "Grey’s Anatomy" over my sleep, but my body nor my brain is happy about that the next day. You should strive for at least seven hours of sleep, but eight to nine is ideal. Without the proper sleep, your body will not function properly and you'll experience side effects such as irritability, relationship stress, and increased appetite.
Love yourself enough to keep going.
You were given this life and are a miracle just by living in it. Your health is one of the few things you truly have your own personal control over. Nobody else can be responsible, and each day comes with the chance to make healthy decisions. Choose to care for your body because you only get one of them. At times you may feel discouraged, but keep going and think about the long term rewards.
You know the drill: Drink plenty of water, exercise and eat right. Strive to do these things each day and your future self will thank you. Enjoy your cake. Enjoy your sweet tea, but keep it in moderation. Forget about the myths and crazy equations. The only one you need to know is Healthy = Happy.