1. Get the proper amount of sleep (most of the time)
The recommended amount of sleep every night for teenagers is around 7-9 hours. Proper amounts of sleep are crucial for overall health and wellbeing. Getting the recommended amount of sleep helps with focus, productivity, weight management, energy, and preventing various illnesses.
2. 80/20 diet rule
A good rule of thumb is to eat healthy, nutrient dense, and "good" foods 80% of the time and the other 20% the time take a cheat day. This provides you with some balance in your diet but is not restrictive either and is highly sustainable.
3. Figure out an exercise routine that makes you happy
Exercise is also crucial to our wellbeing. Frequent exercise prevents heart disease, helps with weight management, and helps cardiovascular and overall health. Some people may prefer working out on their own and arranging their own routine while others may enjoy a group fitness class where an instructor is guiding them for the hour. I prefer to do a mix of the two throughout the week for a good balance.
4. Drink lots of water
Water is so important for our health. It aids in digestion, keeps you hydrated, maintains electrolyte balance, and much much more. The recommended amount of water daily is eight 8 oz glasses of water per day but varies for each individual. The more water the better. Tip: add some calorie-free sweetener to your water like Mio to have it taste a little sweeter if you are not a fan of plain water.
5. Take time to relax and enjoy yourself
It's important everyone in a while to take some time alone and relax. You can spend this time reading, watching TV, napping, or anything that keeps you relaxed.
6. Set goals
It is important to set goals regularly whether they are large or small. Good health-related goals to start with are: drinking eight glasses of water each day, exercising four times a week, and having protein at each meal.
7. Learn how to plan out your days
To have a healthy mind during school, you need to be productive. To be productive, you need to know how to plan. Check out this post for tips that I use all the time.
8. Figure out a work/study/social/personal life balance
After your first few weeks of school, you should have a jist for how much time you need to study per week be able to map out your days. Then you can find time for your social life too and job if needed.
9. Learn when to say 'no'
During the first few weeks of college, you will probably be surrounded with more people than you ever have in your life. While this is amazing, you also need to know when to say no to socializing whether its because you have had enough or need to get your homework done.