As a journalism student looking to pursue a future in the media industry, I find myself on social media more than the average person.
Social media is not only where I post my ideas, share my content, and engage with my readers, but it's also where I find much of my content or inspiration for content.
For many media-obsessed people, "doing" social media -- or being on social media -- is a hobby.
Unlike a hobby such as playing soccer or crafting, social media is non-stop and continuously changing. Because of that, it can become addictive. In order to keep this hobby healthy and productive, I have some ideas for you:
Limit your time online
Schedule out the time you spend on social media in your day to day, and give yourself a specific time frame to spend searching the web.
Write your articles offline
Either turn your WiFi off and write your articles in a document, or step away from the computer as a whole and compose your work in a journal -- that's where this article began!
Make separate accounts for personal and work use
This way your personal won't distract you while your story searching, and vice versa.
Change your habits of story searching
Instead of browsing the web, listen to podcasts, the radio, or take it to the streets!
Split platforms/content searches with your coworkers or co-writers
This way, you'll cover more ground in a more productive manner.
Ask those around you to hold you accountable
If you really feel distracted and taken over by something on the web -- such as a breaking story -- tell your roommates, coworkers, or even your parents to check in with you and see how your task is coming along. This way, you'll work harder to stay focused.
For those of us with careers in media, it's hard to find a work-life balance because technically, we're always working when we're searching the web. Hopefully these habits can help you find a better balance and be more productive as you search social media.