A new year means new resolutions and new lifestyle changes. We can always find new things to implement into our lifestyle to make them more happy and healthy. A lot of the things on this list are pretty easy too and don't take that much effort to start! Give some of them a try this next year to change up your daily routine; maybe it will make your life better!
1. Warm Water With Lemon
This is one thing that was introduced to me about 2 years ago from Sarah's Day (a health and fitness youtuber). Just boil some water, pour it into a mug and squeeze a lemon wedge into it! l usually drink it in the morning, which really helps with digestion and hydration; especially after a long day of bad eating.
2. Having A Skin Care Routine
I know a lot of people who don't have a morning or a night skin care routine. If you're someone who has skin problems, this is essential to have and to constantly keep up with it every day. My biggest tips are to not sleep with makeup on, and to include a face serum or oil, even if you have oily skin.
3. Outside Time
Photo Credit: Mia Dusek
Getting that vitamin D is extremely important. Make sure you are taking vitamin D supplements in the cold months and make time to go outside during those warmer months. Even talking a short walk can really uplift your mood and make your day better!
4. Reading
Photo Credit: Mia Dusek
A lot of people aren't into reading, and I get it. If you aren't into reading fiction, try reading about things that you have always been curious about. I just found a bunch of great astrology books and some on religion, as well. It's never too late to learn something new!
5. Having A Sleep Schedule
Photo Credit: Mia Dusek
If you're 18 or older, you need 7-9 hours of sleep. Oversleeping can cause you to become more tired during the day, so I've been trying to find a perfect sleep schedule that works for me. If you're going to bed at 11pm, you should actually be waking up between 6am and 8am, which sounds really early if you're going to bed that late. It's still important to listen to your body when you need extra sleep, so always keep that in mind.
6. Decreasing Screen Time
Photo Credit: Mia Dusek
I don't know when iPhones created this option, but you can now check how much time you spent on your phone per day, how long you use certain apps, and how many times you check your phone. I've found that it's helpful to delete certain apps like Facebook and Twitter from your phone so you're only able to check them on your computer. This causes you to think about them less because they aren't always in your back pocket.
7. Have Dance Parties
The amount of endorphins that are released when I take 30 minutes out of my day to dance with my friends or by myself is unbelievable. Not only are you getting a mini workout, but it's fun to just laugh and let loose while screaming out your favorite song lyrics.
8. Fun Exercise Routines
When it comes to working out, it's very important to find something that you enjoy. That way you can stay consistent with it and want to do it more. I've found that I really like rock climbing, roller skating, and yoga, so I do those instead of a burn-out workout that will leave me probably feeling disappointed afterwards.
9. Strategic Spending
Since moving into my first apartment and paying rent, I've become very aware of where all my money goes. It's important to decide between what's really important, and what you could live without. One example could be taking public transportation over a Lyft or an Uber. A big one for me in the new year is making my own coffee at home and not spending money at coffee shops.
10. Goal Setting
Setting goals every month has changed my life. It has kept me on top of my game and makes me a more productive person. If you're someone who struggles with completing goals, turn it into a reward system. If you have something like a fitness goal, tell yourself that once you go to the gym 3 times a week in one month, you can buy a new pair of training or running shoes.