It's no secret that being a college student has its various stressors, everything from maintaining that bomb GPA to making sure you have stellar weekend plans. Keeping a healthy weight does not need to be one of those stressors. These snacks are not only tasty, but healthy, too!
1. Yogurt
It's yummy, it comes in many flavors, and it contains probiotics, which are great for your digestive health.
2. Bananas
Full of potassium; it's great for your heart. Plus, it gives you energy!
3. Celery and peanut butter
It's a way to make a not-so-appetizing snack a little more tasty.
4. Pretzels
They're not the best of snack choices, but they certainly taste good!
5. Scrambled eggs
One of the healthiest foods on the planet, and super easy to make! (Even if you're as cooking-challenged as me!)
7. Applesauce
As long as it's not loaded up with sugar, it's a pretty good (and simple) snack.
8. Avocado toast
Avocados have at least 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving, and smearing them on toast is absolutely delicious! Take it from me.
9. Trail Mix
Many people have difficulty fitting nuts into their diet, and this is an easy way to get those nutrients. Plus, you can always slip a few M&M's in there as well!
The list goes on and on. Just look at it this way: if you have the option between a snack like one listed above and an unhealthy one (that, not to mention, isn't going to give you the energy you need), choose the healthy one more often than the latter. I swear, you won't regret it, and your body will thank you.