There are plenty of times in our lives when we feel upset. Maybe you had a bad test, a fight with you friend, you missed the gym, or you're just simply having an "off day". It is very important to always keep a positive outlook on life. People don't realize how a simple little mantra can change your entire day around. So I decided to put a few of my own mantras together in order to help those who are having a bad day and inspire you to a healthier lifestyle.
1. Eat breakfast.
Don't skip breakfast! Eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. A balanced breakfast includes fresh fruit, high-fiber breakfast cereal, low fat milk or yogurt, whole wheat toast, and (my personal favorite) an egg white omelette.
2. Find something to laugh about!
Laughing not only eases stress, promotes social bonding, and lowers blood pressure, it may also boost your immune system. So bring some humor into your life and others...whether its through friends or by scrolling through your explore page on Instagram.
3. The only bad work out is the one that didn't happen.
Don't spend all of your lunch time sitting. I know I'm guilty of sitting in DeNaples for hours sometimes just killing time between class. So instead of people-watching for hours, try to hit the gym with your bestie or go for a 20-minute walk with friends! I know what you thinking, "I never have time for the gym". But, this is not a good excuse. Even if you have a super busy schedule, go early in the mornings! Usually it is quite empty and you will feel great for the rest of your day. Or try going at night once your day is over, you will get an amazing night's sleep.
4. Scientific ways to be happy.
Meditate.Smile.Plan a Trip. Sleep More. Family & Family Time. Practice Gratitude. Move Closer to Work. Help Others. Go Outside. Exercise.
Get outside in the warm sun for a natural boost. The sun rays on the skin help your body produce vitamin D! And who doesn't love a chance at a free tan. Sometimes simply walking outside on a beautiful day can immediately make your mood change for the better.
5. Discover yourself and what makes you happy.
Pick up a new hobby! Hobbies are a great way to relieve and cope with stress. I personally love adult coloring books and in the end I like to frame my masterpiece (if i stayed inside the lines well enough lol). It helps keep the mind active, boost creativity and give you a sense of accomplishment, especially during times of anxiety, depression and stress. So do what makes you happy because happy people live longer!
6. Happiness is always an inside job.
It all starts with you so make sure you take time out of your busy schedule and focus on yourself. Go for a run, read a new book, or visit the local pet store and get some pet therapy. No one else can control you happiness but you and remember you are beautiful inside and out!
7. Motivate the mind. The body will follow.
Go to bed early this week and get up the same time every day. Consistency reinforces your body's sleep wake cycle and helps promote better sleep. I know I can be quite the cranky person in the mornings but I've really tried to make a conscience effort to get my sleep cycle on track and it has worked wonders! I feel unstoppable and ready to take on my day and you can too. I know going to sleep early as a college student can seem impossible but at least try one week with this new routine and you'll feel the difference.
8. Discipline is just choosing between what you want now & what you want most
Combat those cravings with healthy alternatives. Craving something salty? Try some nuts or pita chips and hummus (Wegmans has the best in my opinion!) Craving something sweet? Try some dried fruit! Starbucks in DeNaples has some good options. Satisfy you cravings with healthy nutrients and not empty calories, however it doesn't hurt to indulge in some TacoBell every now and then. Moderation is key!
9. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
We have bad days sometimes, or even bad weeks. But it is important to always look on the bright side! Having a positive attitude helps to cope with the responsibilities of our everyday lives. It is not always easy to stay positive, I know I can struggle some days but my wonderful boyfriend always helps me stay on track. So it is also important to surround yourself with happy people because they will make you happy too!
10. Real women aren't perfect & perfect women aren't real
Making healthy lifestyle choices is all about motives. Exercise to have a healthy heart, not to be skinny. Don't deprive your body of what it needs, eat well so you can be healthy and live longer. And remember to ignore negativity because you are worthy.
"Do your squats, eat your veggies, wear red lipstick, don't let boys be mean to you" - KJ