My first experience having rabbit meat outside my family cooking style was at The Dead Rabbit NYC, an Irish-American pub recommended by my friend Wayne Lin.
I highly recommend this restaurant for their authentic-tasting rabbit meat that is only served on Wednesdays! The Braised Rabbit is served with wild mushroom, spinach and white beans.
What are the health benefits?
1. The meat has a high percentage of easily digestible protein.
2. The calories in rabbit meat are low, depending on the size of the rabbit.
3. Rabbit meat is considerably lower in fat and saturated fat than beef.
4. Rabbit meat is almost cholesterol-free and therefore heart patient-friendly.
5. The sodium content of rabbit meat is comparatively less than other meats.
Nutrition Information:
How is the meat usually cooked?
According to LiveStrong:
"The meat from a young rabbit is white and tender, with a mild flavor. A young rabbit, or a fryer, weighs between 1.5 and 3.5 lbs. and is about 3 months old. Chefs use the meat similarly to the meat of young chickens. Rabbit steaks and chops are served with pasta, rice and sauces. The meat from a mature rabbit is darker and firm, with a stronger flavor. A mature rabbit typically weighs more than 4 lbs. and is about 8 months old. The meat from older rabbits requires a longer cooking time and is generally used in ways similar to tougher cuts of beef. The meat adds protein to casseroles, meat pies and stir-fry dishes"
Is it morally OK to eat rabbit meat?
According to Lisa Young, Ph.D, R.D, author of The Portion Teller Plan: “I wouldn’t recommend it myself, personally, but nutritionally speaking, yes, it’s actually a very good choice”
Fun Facts from Rise & Shine Rabbititry !!
1. The ratio of meat to bone is high, meaning there is more edible meat on the carcass than even a chicken.
2. Rabbit meat with the many health benefits does not have a strong flavor and is comparable to chicken.
3. Rabbits are one of the most productive domestic livestock animal there is. Rabbits can produce 6 pounds of meat on the same feed and water as the cow will produce 1 pound of meat on the same feed and water
For more information regarding Rabbit Meat:
What are the Top 10 Types of Rabbit Meat?
Dean's Rabbit Meat Facts