No matter how long a relationship lasts until it ends, you start to depend on that person throughout it and find yourself indulged in them and their life. You think of them before anything, even before you think of yourself. And then it ends... and you feel lost, alone, heartbroken, wondering how you're supposed to be happy again when you thought you had found the one you were going to spend the rest of your life with. But the truth is, you will be
Focus on YOU.
Put yourself first. Spend time alone, get comfortable being in your own skin and learn to depend on yourself. Because even though some people are forever, some people are temporary. The only person constant in your life is yourself. After being with someone and always having THAT person there for you, it can be hard to not feel completely alone in this world. You are not alone. You never are. There are people there for you whether it feels like it or not. Results aren't going to happen overnight. It is going to take time and some minor setbacks before you reach the point you want to be at.
The way I see losing people is that everyone in your life was put there for a reason. They are either a blessing or a lesson and only time will tell which of those two that person may be. It is okay to be sad about someone leaving, but think about the purpose they served in your life. Their leaving made you stronger. Them being a temporary part of your life was because they had done all they needed for you and more is coming along the way. Everything that happens in life will lead you to exactly where you are supposed to end up. A broken heart is something that can be repaired, and that something starts with you.
I personally have not been one to ever be independent and I have always been scared to be out on my own and do things by myself. Until I ventured out by myself little by little and started doing things I normally would with others, by myself. Whether it be going to the grocery store, going to the park, sitting in a coffee shop, sitting down at a restaurant and getting lunch, or going to the mall, anything you do alone is making progress. The beauty of this is finding out more about you. It is learning to let go and feel free and comfortable in your own skin. It may feel awkward at first but the more you do it the less awkward and more empowering it will be. If given the time and circumstances allow it, take a road trip by yourself. Short or far, go explore somewhere new by yourself. You find fun in being your own friend and making yourself happy, without the worry of judgement from others. There is a beauty in this world and within you that only you can see. But you have to choose to want to see it.
Find or make a playlist with some bomb songs of any genre, put your car in cruise, roll the windows down, and enjoy the ride. Stick your hand out the window and feel the air blowing past you. Walk around a new part of town or around a new park and take in nature's purest beauty. Find yourself. Put YOU first. Do something you have always wanted to do but do it by yourself. Be your own friend for a change. It is not selfish in any way, shape, or form. You are doing what you need to feel again and what might be the best thing you will ever do for yourself. There is going to be so much you learn and some things that you may fail at, but get yourself back up and try again. You will succeed.
All you have is yourself at the end of the day. Listen to "All I Want" by Olivia Rodrigo. The love of your life will find you, but first find that love in yourself. It is easier to love somebody after you love yourself than it is when you do not love yourself.
Everybody heals from heartbreak differently and at different rates. Don't go searching for love, let love find you. Someone will come when the time is right, but find a love within yourself and notice the difference it makes for your self-confidence and self-worth.