We all know life is hard and sometimes can get you down. We all have little pick-me-ups we do to keep us happy, motivated or just to treat yourselves.
For me, I do not take any medicine to help me through the day, but I do use these 8 things to keep my mental health, well healthy. These things keep me sane, happy and smiling. They work almost better than medicine.
1. Music
Music is a mood saver. You can wake up in the worst mood possible, turn on your favorite song and then feel better than ever. Starting your day with an upbeat playlist is great and wakes you up. Plus, who does not like to sing along to their favorite song?
2. Traveling
Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. Whether you have been somewhere hundred times or it is a new spot traveling never gets old. Even if it is your hometown, go to that coffee shop you have been wanting to try or go somewhere you have not been to in years.
3. Family
No matter what I am doing or where I am my family makes everything better. Your family and you are very similar whether you like it or not, sorry it is genetics. Your family will always have your back, so spend time with them. Trust me.
4. Laughter
Ok so this one you might say is weird, but just go with it. There is no way you can be sad if you are laughing right. Watch a funny Netflix show or hang around someone that makes you laugh, it will make you feel better.
5. Exercise
From the wise words of Elle Woods, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. " She was exactly right, exercise is a great way to release stress and energy. Plus, with the added bonus of a mood booster, you get a nice workout too.
6. Your Favorite Meal
Have a bad day, get some ice cream or that soup you love. Treat yourself to your favorite meal or snack because you deserve it. no one can be sad on a full belly with your favorite things.
7. Friends
Of course, this is a given. Surrounding yourself with people who love and care about you is key. Friends are going to support you through good and bad times, so be honest and open with them about your feeling, it could ever make your friendship strong in the end.
8. Sleep
So maybe sleeping your problems away is not the healthiest option but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Take a break, take an hour and just rest. Even if you do not sleep, just sitting down and closing your eyes will help.