Gun control has been all over the news lately. It's everyone's hot-button topic, and it was trending on Twitter like crazy the days after the last massacre happened. I mean, can we be surprised?
Now look, after every school shooting, the same headlines hit the media by both politicians (who get quite a bit of funding from the NRA) and gun rights activists. Maybe you'll recognize a few of these headlines after every school shooting - heard any of these lately?
1. "He was gay."
Everyone is just trying to find a reason for why this teen decided to do what he did. That being said, this is definitely one of the most common excuses people can find. "He hadn't come out to his parents yet," "he didn't know how to tell other people," "someone in his high school found out," and so on and so forth.
2. "He was bullied."
Piggybacking off of my previous reason, the news is going to say that his fellow classmates were the reason behind this massacre. They didn't treat him right and have not been friendly towards him throughout his career in school.
3. "The school did not have high enough security."
Where were the metal detectors? Where were the security guards? Why weren't the children strip-searched upon entering the school? This lack of security is the reason that these guns got into the school in the first place.
4. "The school did not pay attention to his cries for help."
Teachers didn't listen, and guidance counselors didn't care. They didn't look for the signs of one of the 1,400+ students at this school. How dare they.
5. "His parents did not lock up their guns."
Actually, it's obviously his parent's fault for not properly locking up their guns in the home where this young man lived. Blame them because it must be their fault that this happened.
6. "It's not guns-it's mental health."
This boy was disturbed. He wasn't in the right state of mind, it was a violent fit of rage that came out of nowhere. There were so many factors leading up to this. He just was not okay and nobody cared.
7. "Violent video games."
It's the video games! Who even invented Call of Duty? Why would anyone let someone play a video game where guns are involved? It's OBVIOUS that every copy sold will lead to a gun-filled fit of rage by a 17 year old. Make things safer.
8. "God isn't in the schools anymore."
Let's be frank, this has to be the reason. If we had never separated church and state this would not have happened. If God was still involved in children's lives, this would not have happened. God can save everyone.
9. "People need to learn how to deal with a violent intruder attack."
Thank god that we all got trained in high school on what to do when an intruder enters the building. Block off the door, huddle away from the door, and be completely silent and we should all be fine. Don't do this, and you're screwed.
10. "Gun control reform."
Here's the headline that you will almost never hear, but is the common denominator in all of gun violence.
Do you think, that at the end of the day, this never would have happened if guns were not even accessible to the population?
According to this article, published by the Trace at the beginning of 2018, they estimate that at least 15,549 people in the United States were killed by gun violence in 2017 (and this estimate excludes suicide). Something needs to be done because 15,500+ innocent people should not have deserved to die over something that can ultimately be prevented.
How many more people have to die before things are changed? How many more young adults have to go to school, or college, every day not knowing if there will be a shooting that day? This shouldn't even be a thought for people in the United States, and yet there are multiple gun-violence incidents a month, and the politicians are doing nothing.
Something has to change, and it starts with us.