Sometimes, things just don't go the way you hoped they would. Things fall through, people disappoint you, you disappoint yourself. It is going to happen because this is the human world. We are riddled with imperfections so mistakes are bound to be made. Don't let it ruin you.
It is going to rain, but when it does, just dance. Make something beautiful out of something that ruins everyone else's day. There is good in everything. There is positivity in each moment, you just have to choose to look for it.
I recently did a journaling exercise with a friend that I love dearly. We asked one another to air all of our grievances, put in writing everything that is causing stress, negativity, and that is hurting your heart. Then when we were feeling sorry for ourselves, we forced ourselves to recognize everything that is wonderful in our lives.
It is a lot easier to look at everything that is wrong, but it takes a lot more effort to look at everything that is positive. A drop of black ink into a glass of water is much more impactful than a drop of water in a glass of ink. It is hard to maintain a clean glass of water. Imagine pouring a glass full of toxic ink next to a clean glass of water. You are going to drink on of them. Why would you ever pick up the glass of ink?
You wouldn't purposefully poison your body. So why actively choose to poison your mind?
I am not sure why we are taught by society to always point out the flaws in ourselves and others. We are more than a bad moment. There may be a terrible minute but it is just one minute. One. There are 1,440 minutes every day. Why does 1/1440 ruin the other 1439/1440?
Focusing on the positive is a learned skill. It is a conscious effort every second. Being mindful of searching for the positive does not mean that the things that are negative won't still happen. Those moments will still come. But hopefully, your bounce back time will be significantly faster.
By focusing on the positive, you will walk under the sun. Sometimes there are clouds, but they are always going to be brief because the sun can't help but burn them off. This is what positivity will do for you.
It is easy to dwell on the small things that bring you sadness, but this word is beautiful. There are beautiful people, beautiful places, and beautiful moments. Revel in the happiness. Because you were made for more than the hard moments.