Over the years, I wasted a lot of time chasing people, and I mean, haven't we all?
There is always some part of us that keeps us believing that eventually if we stick with it, they might come around, but... it never happened. We could use all the plays in the book: hard-to-get, wearing red, and even claiming them with cute pictures on social media (my personal go-to), but let's face it, if they weren't feelin' it then they just weren't feeling it.
If this sounds familiar, then here's the good news—today is the day we are going to set you free from this trap.
Don't be like me, wasting your time on someone who doesn't show they care isn't just a bummer, but it's holding you back. For one, it's holding you back from someone who will make you the start of their show. Every minute you pine for someone who doesn't appreciate you is a moment you could be out there finding someone who can appreciate you and make you happy. And two, it's holding you back from spending your precious time on doing you and living your best life. Don't let that be you.
So yes, it's time for you to quit spending your time pining when you should be out there shining. The first step is to start getting real about the social media red flags someone is waving that tell you they are less then what you deserve.
He doesn't let you follow him
Ok, this is a given. If he won't let you follow him, block him, right now, I'll wait. Did you do it? Good. If a potential S.O. is hesitant to accept your follow request, he's hiding something and that's no way to start a relationship. Whether it's a girlfriend back home or a couple of unwarranted MAGA posts, he's gotta go.
Refusing to post pictures with you
If instead of posting the cute couple candid of you two swooning he posts a friend group picture where he's mid-sneeze, that's a no-go. For one, he could have other chicks he's trying to hide you from OR he's just not that into you. Boys know IG official is a thing, don't let him rope you into this childish game.
Yay, he posted a picture with you, but he didn't tag you
This is the biggest red flag in the book. You go from being S.O. potential with a brain and bangin' personality to just a hot side-piece to up their IG game. If he can't tag your name then he is way less then you deserve, and you should untag him ASAP.
When it comes to relationships, it is so easy to glorify the good moments while dismissing anything that looks bad. When in reality if someone likes you it'll will all feel pretty dang good.
Sometimes we hang on so tight to someone, we don't realize it's only us making the effort and I know, it's hard to hear that someone you care about may feel differently than you—I won't ignore that—but in a weird way, do yourself a favor. You know that you can do better, you deserve better, and you should never settle for less.