It's only been about a few weeks since Trump stepped into office, and he's already messing things up. If you don't think that, then you are probably just as blind as he is. Don't believe me? Then let me explain it to you in the clearest way possible.
First, he green-lighted the Dakota Access and Keystone pipelines. The executive orders that Trump signed will benefit oil pipelines. He reinstated the anti-abortion gag rule, and because of this it will increase unsafe abortions around the world (THANKS TRUMP!!!!!). His stupid wall idea that literally no one wants to pay for. Money that can be used in other more important areas like children and veterans healthcare, but Trump is for the people right? The EPA had to take it's website page on climate change down. And my personally favorite, Trumps ban on Muslims.
After all of this and much more, do you really believe he is a suitable President? If anything, he reminds me more of a dictator than an actual President. What would banning Muslims do? Most if not all cases of terror attacks have been made by US RESIDENTS OR CITIZENS. Shocking I know. And if we're banning a group of people because of the religion why don't we ban Christians? The KKK were all Christians and they caused a lot of terror to our country, but right the KKK aren't terrorists... they're white.
Now more than ever our country is separated. It's a constant battle between Trump supporters and those who hate every word he says. There are those who protest and fight for the rights of others, and there are those who believe protestors are "cry babies in need of a safe space", but you know what, I say protest till someone listens. Just because Donald Trump is the President, doesn't mean I have to listen or bow down to him. He isn't a god. Fight against every single injustice that comes from his cabinet. Fight for the rights of immigrants, people with no healthcare, minorities, women, Muslims, and the LGBTQ+ Community. Fight for those who need you most and prove to Trump and the world that he will NOT divide us. We were a country built on protests and fighting back, and if we have to do it again, then we will.