Hours of conversation passed by, neither of them ever picking up their phone to check the time or the messages that were being ignore. It was easy, she liked that. He would call her beautiful when she walked in the room with no makeup and sweatpants on, it gave her that little sting of butterflies in her stomach. She would watch the way he talked about his future and the smile that was pasted on his face when he brought up his family. She started to notice the little things about him, then she quickly realized he was doing the same to her.
Her friends- they warned her. They told her, “don’t fall for this boy, draw the line in the sand.” Scared of losing a friendship she valued so highly, she tried to draw the line. However, whenever she would try he would catch on and ask, “What wrong, you need to talk?” It killed her that she was so easy to read and that he could read her like a book.
She knew she had to stop herself. She had to stop herself from falling for this boy. She wasn’t ready for the heartbreak that could come along with the boy, but it didn’t matter. The heartbreak was already there when she finally walked away, because her heart was too invested in all the little moments they created.
It didn’t matter in the end. Both of them taking different roads leading them to new chapters in their lives.