If you're anything like me, then you absolutely do not get America's obsession with Donald Trump. Especially as a young woman in today's society, I can confidently say that Trump represents a whole slew of things that I am against. However, one particularly glaring reason I will never board the Trump Train is because of his misogynistic mindset and comments. There were definitely more than just ten instances where Trump said some cringe-worthy statements, but to save everyone the horror, I decided to keep the list concise. So if you're looking for another reason NOT to vote for Donald Trump, here's 10!
1. The time he said women must rely on their sex appeal to be successful.
"It's certainly not groundbreaking news that the early victories by the women on "The Apprentice' were, to a very large extent, dependent on their sex appeal.
Trump gave us this particularly nice zinger in his 2004 book, Trump: How to Get Rich. Nice to know the only way a woman can make it in life is if she's oozing sex appeal... not because she's skilled or intelligent or anything. Makes sense.
2. That for a man to give his wife assets is a mistake.
"I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?"
Trump said this about his now ex-wife in a 1990 Vanity Fair piece. Women, man... can't trust them with anything of worth, am I right?
3. When he suggested that it's a women's fault if her husband cheats on her.
Trump retweeted one of his supporters only to quickly delete it, but not before proof was taken. Yay for screenshots!!!
Boo for people who think a woman is to blame for a man's infidelity.
4. When he implied that sexual assault is a natural result of putting men and women in the same setting.
5. When he said no one would vote for Carly Fiorina because of her appearance.
"Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean she's a women and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really folks, come on. Are we serious?
Glad to know people are only voting for candidates off of appearance and not based on the silly things like their platforms or their positions on social issues. *phew*
6. When he referred to a young woman as a "piece of ass."
"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass"
This is from a lovely interview Trump had with Esquire magazine back in 1991... At least his blatant misogyny is consistent?
7. When he insinuated that a woman can only be a reporter if she's hot.
"We could say, politically correct, that look doesn't matter, but the look obviously matters. Like you wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful."
Trump said this to a reporter in a clip that was featured on John Oliver's Last Week Tonight. Once again, skills and intelligence? *OvErRaTeD*
8. When he called a woman disgusting for breast feeding.
"You're disgusting."
Simple, yet offensive. Trump said this while in court in Florida to lawyer Elizabeth Beck, who asked for a break to breastfeed her newborn child. God forbid a woman wants to provide her child with sustenance.
9. When he insinuated that the women on The Apprentice were only there to try and get with him.
"All of the women on "The Apprentice" flirted with me--consciously or unconsciously. It's to be expected."
Because it's obviously ridiculous to believe that they could be there to compete for the chance to receive a contract to run one of his companies. Come on, guys.
Now last, but certainly not least, here's number ten.
10. This lovely statement he said in reference to women in New York magazine feature on him back in 1992.
"You have to treat 'em like shit."
Honestly, I think that one speaks for itself.
The saddest thing about this list is that Trump actually said every single one of these statements. So many people throughout America are on his train to "Make America Great Again" but in reality, Trump represents misogyny, racism, homophobia and a general disregard for basic human respect. I don't know about you, but last time I checked, the definition of "great" was a far cry from that.