He is my president. You may not claim him as your president, but he is my president. I do not worship everything he says and does, but he is my president. We may differ on certain social issues, but he is my president.
Donald Trump is the focus of many national out cries. He has sparked women's marches, hashtags, peaceful protests, and rioting. He by stating every opinion he has, has stomped on a lot of people's toes. He has caused hate between the American people by just existing. By doing nothing more than winning an election he has caused people to destroy people's businesses and property.
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This is the question I pose to you. Would they have rioted anyway? Would they have marched anyway? Would there have been protests? To this extent, maybe not, but there would have been an outcry regardless.
We are the generation of yelling and not talking. We are the generation that has stopped asking for toleration and understanding. We have now started demanding people conform. We have stopped making progress. We are at a standstill because of social media and our inability to talk. I have had people unfollow me and talk bad about me due to my political stance. How does this change anything? How are you helping? What are you doing to make a change by doing that? NOTHING.
Stop saying #hesnotmypresident. He is your president. Whether you like it or not, it's a fact. Deal with that reality. We are no longer children. You can't change this by throwing the equivalent of a giant national temper tantrum. You are making our entire generation look like a bunch of idiots by not handling this in an adult manor. You make memes. What does that do? NOTHING. You make up lies. What does that do? NOTHING. You're uninformed. What does that do? NOTHING. You riot, steal, and use this as an excuse to break the law. What does that do? NOTHING!
Instead of wasting your energy on protesting something that has already happened, try doing something to change the world around you. Worried about the environment? Plant a tree. Worried about LGBTQ rights and suicide rates? Apply to work a hotline for suicide prevention or reach out to a friend. Worried about women's rights? Go on a mission trip somewhere where they really have none. Stop yelling about "Cheeto man" and "#lovetrumpshate" and do something. Get off your butt and do something.
You'd be surprised what unity will do for this country. You'd be surprised what God will do for this country.
Mr. Trump, YOU are my president.