There are two incredible realities so paramount to the Christian faith, and yet so easily and often forgotten. I feel these are of the utmost importance in the believer’s thoughts, conversations and actions. These two things seem to be from what the faith stems and what brings one to decide that following Jesus is “worth it.” It is so often tossed around, in a JoyFM sticker-like fashion, that Jesus is worthy of our worship and that He loves us, but do we, or have we ever, really thought about that truth?
The earth’s sun is 93 million miles away, yet gives so much light and warmth.
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The stars and moon lighting up the placid night sky are perhaps more beautiful than anything any man could have ever imagined.
We can see God all throughout creation. He gives us reason after reason to worship Him as lord over all, but have we ever thought about the significance of that fact?
The beginning of Psalm eight consists of David worshiping God simply for who He is. In verse one he says,
“You have set Your glory above the heavens…”
and then continues to explain the majesty of God. The amazing thing about this line, however, is that it is actually written in the imperative form; so according to theologian Albert Barnes this statement actually,
“ …Expresses the wish or prayer of the writer that the name or praise of God, so manifest in the earth, might be exalted in the highest possible degree - be more elevated than the moon and the stars - exalted and adored in all worlds.”
What it means is that while we can see God’s unmatched glory in all of creation, what we see is just a glimpse of God’s actual glory above the heavens. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:12,
“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”
God has set every star into its specific place. He has created trees and flowers to show us a piece of His beauty and glory, given us laughter and warmth to feel a glimpse of His comfort and allowed us to feel emotions and love for one another so that we can see how He has loved us. All of this we can see and experience now, but it is hardly a thought compared to what we will experience in the authentic presence of God.
Isn’t this incredible? We are now enamored with the glory of God in creation all around us, but it is just a mere picture, somewhat of a representation or a foreshadowing, of the actual glory of God that flows from His very being. This God must be worshiped. When we see who God really is we have no other possible reaction, we just have to worship.
Perhaps even more beautiful than this, however, is the actuality that this God cares for us severely. David says later in the Psalm,
“When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of Him…?”
How is it possible that this God who is glorified and holy far above the majesty of the heavens lets broken, ragged people not only speak with Him, but seek Him? How is it possible that He cares for them? He loves it when we come to Him with nothing left. He loves it when we worship Him, and He wants intimacy with us. He calls us His children. It seems unbelievably impossible, but it is reality, and all we can do in response is fall on our knees in worship of our wonderful creator and Father.
We can be so thankful that God loves us, that He has given us His Son so that we can have a relationship with Him and that He has given us salvation that we may never have to pay the eternal punishment of our sin. Our God is worthy of all our worship forever, and His glory will change our lives now and always, throughout all eternity.
Please let this be an encouragement. Read Psalm eight and pray and thank God for who He is and that He is even listening and caring. God’s character draws us to nothing but worship of Him, and this worship is something we have never deserved to be granted, but that will transform our very being.
Friends, let us worship God today for who He is and what He has done, and let us live in light of the reality that we can be called His children. Read the Bible and see that our holy Father wants us to be with Him in the secret place. He wants to bless us with His presence alone. Therefore, let us seek Him today and find the rushing river of majesty and glory that is etched into His very being and is poured out into everything we see and feel, and let us look forward to the glory that will be revealed to us on the last day when we finally see Him face to face and when we can finally worship Him in complete perfection.