2017 years ago, a great tragedy occurred. A tragedy that would, however, turn into the greatest love story the world will ever know. Jesus Christ, a man who knew no sin, was beaten, spat upon, and eventually died on the cross. But He didn't do this in vain; He did it for us. He did this so we would know that when we enter into a relationship with Jesus, all our sins, all our transgressions are forgiven.
Is there a greater love than this? I don't believe so. Sure, you have the love of your family, friends, and significant others, but the love of God is infallible. His love will never end, never forsake you, nor can it ever be doubted.
So as you gather with your families this Easter, remember the reason. It isn't chocolate or eggs or rabbits; it's to honor the greatest sacrifice the world ever knew. God is not dead; he is surely alive!!!