I remember the times when one of my previous loves would shower me with exciting paragraphs and gifts from the heart. I also remember after we broke up when he would call to say I love you, just so that I couldn't get attached to the temporary home I was finding in someone new. At one point in time I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world, but others I felt lower than the ocean floor. He would tell me he loved me, and many other things, but I realized he didn't mean it anymore.
Most of us girls have a guy like this in our lives, the guy we aren't with but still have feelings for. The guy that only loves you when they want something, or when they see you pursuing a relationship with someone new. The guy that will comment heart eyes on your picture and say text me, but when you do he doesn't reply. Or call you at 2 a.m. to tell you that he made a mistake by letting you go. The things he says to you leaves you breathless and thoughtless, yet the next day he's posting a picture with the new girl he's fallen for. He leaves you questioning everything, you wonder if maybe he is just as confused as you are. If he wants you as much as you want him, but is too afraid to come out and say it. That isn't the case here.
The things he says to you at 2 a.m. while he's talking to three other girls he doesn't mean. The I love you's, and the I miss you's meant just as much as a simple hello. The nights you'd stay awake thinking about the poison that has fallen from the lips of the devil are nights wasted. Perhaps he once meant all of the things he said to you, but the words that fall from his lips when all he wants is attention from the girl that cares for him unconditionally, he doesn't mean. He will say anything for you to love him like you once did, even if he doesn't love you back.
He doesn't deserve your love if that's the only time he ever comes around. He doesn't deserve reassurance if he already ruined what could have been by pursuing a relationship with someone that isn't you. You deserve happiness and someone that calls you at all hours of the day just to tell you that you are appreciated.
To the boys that meant it, but don't anymore, and still say it, let her go. Let her move on without any interference from you, don't hold her back from what could be. If you love her truly prove it, but if you are just saying it to lead her on, please let her go. From the girl that has been told things that weren't meaningful.