He doesn’t love you, but someone else will. Someone better. Someone who actually gets you. Someone who actually accepts you for you and loves you for all of your flaws and imperfections.
He doesn’t love you, because if he truly did then wouldn’t he be standing by your side right now? If he really loved you then wouldn’t he have the decency to actually text you back? Or at least show it to you in every way possible?I hate to be the one to break it to you, but no, he does not love you. It hurts like hell, I know. I've been in your shoes and actually, to be quite honest; I am currently in those god-awful shoes. It sucks and your miserable. You feel like a piece of china that has been dropped and shattered one too many times. You try over and over again to glue your ridged pieces back together, but it seems as if you're getting absolutely no where. It's some pretty shitty glue, isn't it?
But why does it matter to you whether he loves you or not? You feel lost without him. You feel alone and you feel like you have no one. You keep running back and chasing him. You fight, because you just can't live without him. He's the only one you'll ever love or care about and you don't want anyone else. But you also feel like you won't find anyone else, right? You feel like you won't find better. But that's not true and you know it.
No, he doesn't love you, but someone else will. We have a lifetime ahead of us and a lifetime full of heartbreak until we can eventually find the one. Many guys will say they love you, but honestly how much of them actually mean that? If he loved you, he would make it known. He would shout it to the world. You would be his person, his rock and at the end of the day you would be the one he runs to. He would choose you over anything else and he would show you off. If he truly loved you and meant it, you would know. So ask yourself this; does he really love me? And if he doesn't; I promise, you are going to be okay.