I've been an older sister for almost five years now and I cannot imagine my life without my younger siblings. Although they're 14 and 17 years younger than me, they're my best friends and I wouldn't trade them for the world. With them being so much younger, not many people understand the sometimes struggle of having siblings young enough to be your own children.
1. "Oh my gosh, is she/he yours?"
This is something that I am asked pretty often. Whether I take my little sister out for a lunch at Chick fil-A, or if I'm just holding my little brother's stroller while our mom looks at something in a store, people always assume that they're mine.
2. We're in totally different stages of our lives
I'm a freshman in college, my little sister is in pre-school, and my little brother is still in diapers.
3. They steal all of my friends
The test of true friendship is them playing with my siblings instead of doing whatever they really came over for.
4. Family vacations are sometimes difficult
When it comes to planning things with much younger siblings you have to think: "Is it too far of a drive?" "Is it stroller friendly?" "Are there things for everyone to do?"
5. Childhood traditions last forever
Just because I'm in college doesn't mean I'm done putting out cookies for Santa and carrot sticks for his reindeer!
6. There are no intense fights
No hair pulling or kicking and slapping because honestly, that'd just be wrong.
7. You share your taste in music with them
During a typical car ride, my 4-year-old sister and I usually listen to "Glamorous" by Fergie and any song from the "Trolls" soundtrack at least five times.
8. The jealousy
This goes for both the younger and oldest siblings. As an older sibling, it's hard to not be jealous of the more favored, spoiled younger sibling.
9. You have an amazing bond
I'm not afraid to admit to people that my best friends are my 4-year-old sister and 1-year-old brother. My little sister is my go-to when I need to rant about something. Although she can't give me advice like a much older sibling could, she knows exactly how to make me feel better.