I have been one of those fortunate children who have been lucky enough to have a young mom. My mom was 18 when she had me, which means that we will basically grow old together. For example, when I turn 50, she will only be 68, which is so weird to think about. I never paid much attention to any of this until random people such as cashiers at the grocery stores, waiters and waitresses, began to mistake my mom as my sister... when in fact I do not have a sister at all. It started out as just being small comments such as, "Are you guys sisters? You look so much alike!" My mom would stand there with this huge smile on her face and say thank you while I'd say no, this is my mom. It was a compliment to both me and her because well, my mom loves being told that she looks younger than she really is. What mom doesn't? I enjoy it because I love seeing her smile and I'll be honest, it's been pretty cool to be the daughter with the smokin' hot mom. The only time it started to get old was when my guy friends started talking about how "smokin' hot" my mom is. Thank you, I am aware, please don't tell me about it because I feel uncomfortable knowing that you think my mom is really attractive. But in the end, it was a compliment because they'd always add in how much we look alike, so I guess that made up for the grossness of their comments (just kidding, I still get grossed out thinking about it, and so does my mom). To all the girls and guys out their with young moms, I understand you.
The best part of having a mom who is so young, is the fact that she understands. As a young adult, I am faced with challenges that I have always felt so comfortable to go to my mom about. She is not someone who I hide things from, no matter what it is. She understands and relates to me, and is always there with advice or to tell me that I am being stupid and need to get myself together (this is very rare). She is also there to put me in place and tell me when I am doing something wrong. I grew up always being told how lucky I am to have such a "cool mom" and how jealous they are because of our relationship. They did not feel comfortable going to their moms about boys or maybe about a mistake or problem in their life. I always have because my mom has always been understanding but she has never been afraid to be honest with me and let me know her true thoughts. I didn't learn to appreciate this until recently, because I realized truly how lucky I am.
Mom, thank you for being such a inspiration and role model in my life. Because of your strength and the lessons you have always taught me, I am comfortable and happy with who I am becoming. Thank you for showing me what real confidence in yourself is, and for teaching me to always do what's best for me. Also, thank you for being the hot mom. Because of you, I feel confident in the years ahead of me when it comes to beauty and looks, because I was fortunate to get your genes. I hope when I am 37 I will look as good as you do. Love you to the moon and back.