Ask anyone what their favorite holiday is and, more likely than not, they will say their birthday. I mean, who doesn't love their birthday!? A day dedicated to the celebration of you. Where you have an excuse to be selfish and do all of your favorite things with your favorite people. Sometimes the timing of your birthday can be quite difficult though. I am a summer baby and I have found that despite the fact there are many perks to having a summer birthday, there are also many pains.
1. You'll Never Have School
No school! Need I say more? There's never a chance that you will have to study, do homework, or take a test on your birthday.
2. Nice Weather
Sunny and 85 for the whole season. Give or take a couple degrees... and maybe some rain. But, the chances of you getting snow on your birthday are slim to none (depending on where you live of course).
3. Not Around Other Holidays
One of the best perks of being a summer birthday is the fact that it is not around any other holidays. OK, well, maybe the 4th of July, but not any holidays where your family and friends could combine gifts. For example, for winter babies many parents combine their birthday and Christmas presents. Us summer babies get an even spread of the gifts we are fortunate to receive.
4. Discounts
Everyone who's anyone knows that during your birthday month you get many discounts and even sometimes free products. My shopping choices are very limited here at school, so it's reassuring to know I can go on a shopping spree and utilizing those coupons at my local stores at home.
5. Day Trips
Summer is for spontaneity. There's nothing like waking up and randomly planning an adventure for the day. Hiking? Mini-golfing? Beach trip? All of these are possible and give you the opportunity to celebrate your special day.
6. Get To Celebrate With Friends From Home
What's better than celebrating with the people you grew up with?! After probably not seeing each other for a while since school, a birthday celebration is a perfect time to reconnect and bond with your besties from home.
1. You'll Never Have School
This is what I consider two-fold because not having school on your birthday can also be a bad thing. In elementary school, you never get to experience your parents bringing in cake and your whole class singing happy birthday to you. In middle school and high school, you never get your locker decorated. In college, you never get to go out wearing that tiara and birthday sash.
2. Prime Vacation Time
Every week of summer is prime vacation time. The number of times not only I have been on vacation for my birthday, but all of my friends have too is atrocious. Like hello, this should be considered a national holiday why do you all think you can just go out of town?!
3. People Forget
Boy oh boy, do they ever. The lack of texts and posts because no-one remembers is insulting. Just kidding, but it is kind of discouraging! Just because I don't see you all the time over the summer doesn't mean you can just forget about me, and my birthday! (July 25th everyone, mark your calendars.)
4. May Have To Work
Despite the fact you won't have school, summer is the season of money making. Replenishing your bank account is a full-time gig, so there is a good chance you could end up having to work on your birthday.
5. Bugs
Almost all of the best ways to celebrate summer birthdays involve the outdoors. With this though, comes bugs, more specifically mosquitos. What better present than millions of mosquito bites?! Yeah, I can think of about a million better presents.
6. Won't Get To Celebrate With School Friends
With every upside, there is a downside. Sure, you'll be able to celebrate with your friends from home, but you won't be able to celebrate with your college besties.
* * *
As you can see for every summer birthday pain, there is a perk to outweigh it (and vice versa). A birthday is a birthday, there is really no reason to dislike it because of what season it falls into. So happy birthday to all the other summer babies out there! Hope you all celebrate accordingly.