If you follow me on my socials, know me in person or speak to me for 5 minutes, you would know that I have a puppy. His name is Kauffman, he’s 7 months old and he’s my sweet baby angel. Yet, sometimes he makes me want to rip my hair out. Having a puppy is pretty much like having a toddler. You don’t believe me? I made a list so you know it’s real.
1. I’m constantly yelling "what’s in your mouth?"
He is always grabbing stuff. Random stuff that happens to fall on the floor. He’s grabbed my underwear, my socks, my shoes, random plastic wrappers, everything. How is that like a toddler?! They’re constantly grabbing things, or putting gross things in their mouth.
Don’t believe me? Ask parents what gross things kids have put in their mouth.
2. He makes everything a game.
When I find him with something in his mouth he knows and runs off. He lowers his upper body, hikes his lower body and takes off. I have to run around my apartment to get him because he thinks it’s a game. Toddlers? Look below:
3. He is always speaking out of turn.
Much like babies crying or toddler’s yelling something inappropriate, Kauff barks at random people. Not because he’s being mean, but because he thinks that’s how you say hi. Much like a toddler.
4. When he’s quiet I get nervous.
5. Homeboy refuses to sleep.
Even after we get back from the dog park and he' been running around for 2 hours he still will not take a nap if I am around. I have to put him in his kennel or in another room where he will finally settle down.
Even at that if he hears me he thinks it's play time again. Toddlers do the same thing! They refuse to nap until they are made to nap. Once that happens both puppies and toddlers are happy, but until you get to that point... it's rough.
6. You’re constantly worried about them.
When I have to leave for 10 minutes or two days I’m constantly worried. Even if I know he’s in his crate or with his Grammy and Pappi I’m still wishing I was with him. Much like having a kid. It’s hard to leave them. *like look at me at the grocery store thinking of my dog
7. You would do anything for them.
Even though he’s frustrating to me sometimes. Even when he ruins my underwear or pees in my apartment, I get upset but I would still do anything for him. Much like children, they make parents mad, but they would still do anything for their babies.