It's oh so easy to keep your emotions in when you're with people or even just in general. Waking up every morning not knowing what to wear, what to eat, or even how to do your hair and makeup might not seem like that big of a deal until it happens every day and causing you stress out over things you don't need to. Holding in emotional stress for so long and not expressing your feelings can cause you to eventually explode on people you're close with/loved ones. In addition to this, avoiding responsibilities without reassurance can be very challenging because it can prevent you from doing anything whether it's deciding where to get food, your responsibilities, and most importantly: tolerating any type of misconduct/abuse whether it's physical, mental or emotional. It can cause you to binge eat, cry for days over nothing just because you're sad, and to even have a rage just because you can't find your backpack for school.
Borderline Personality Disorder is known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is a longterm pattern of irregular conduct characterized by a weak relationship with other people, uneasy self-image, and changeable emotions. There's often an extreme fear of being left, a feeling of emptiness, and self-harm. Symptoms of this are caused by what seems to be relatively normal events.
Something that needs to be differentiated between BPD and Bipolar disorder is that if you are Bipolar, then you usually have constant mood swings that can range from weeks to months. With BPD, your mood changes are shorter and can happen from once a day to multiple times a day and believe me, it's the worst.
Dependent Personality Disorder is a personality disorder that is characterized by a common psychological familiarization on other people. This personality disorder is a persisting condition in which people depend on others to meet their emotional and physical needs, with only a minority of achieving normal levels of independence.
When most people read this, even if you don't, your first thought may be that 'oh everyone has something like this, it's not that unusual'. Which is a true fact. However, it does affect approximately 14 million Americans in their life. Ever since I was younger, I never really had issues with emotion or worrying about unnecessary things. As I started to get older, even until now, I have times I can be independent but it is rare. I am a very big people person. I feel the need to always be around people or feel their affection to make me feel like I'm me. The bad side to this is that when I feel rejected or even feel unwanted or am somewhere where I don't want to be it makes me feel very alone and can make me feel depressed and make me want to be alone for days.
This is a very personal topic that most people don't want to talk about or even share their personal situations. I can start a day being completely happy but the littlest of things can set me off and then I can become completely normal within hours or just feel nothing at all. When people tell me I'm just being emotional or to calm down, nothing frustrates me more. Be empathetic to who you are around.