Not to sound all anti-technology or anything, but our society has gotten very dependent on the concept of instant delivery. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing (after all, innovative technology has helped increase access to emergency medical services or sanitary food transport in developing countries). However, our dependence on (dare I say it) instant gratification has affected us in more ways than one.
For me, it's meant a change in my relationship with God. I realize that I am not as comfortable waiting to hear from Him or see what He's doing in my life. I am impatient. If I don't have an answer, I feel as if I'm in limbo. The in-between period. It's as if I shift from receiving an answer into asking the next question. We always seem to think if we had the answer to this one question...that would bring us peace. However, as Romans 8:6 states "if our minds are ruled by the Spirit, we will have life and peace". True peace only comes from Christ and Christ alone. We are not sufficient to provide our own peace.
I know I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Too often, I think, we are all impatient with waiting on God. It's easier said than done - when I was applying for summer jobs, I told everyone who asked that I was "just waiting to see where God would put me". I knew it was the right answer and the right thing to say, but in my heartI was anxious for answers. Scripture tells me, though, that being anxious about God's plans for me is distrust. How can I distrust the Creator of the universe, the King of Kings? How could I possibly think I know better than the God who knows the stars by name and single-handedly spoke each molecule in the atmosphere into existence? He created light with a command, and yet I am anxious that His plans are not good enough for me.
Inherently, think it's a control issue. I think I am stubborn. I think that I know in my heart that listening to God and waiting for Him to reveal His plans to me should be my go-to first move, but I am convinced I can't wait for that answer. Instead, I convince myself that I need an answer sooner than God plans to provide one. Hebrews 13:5 says "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you". The God I serve has promised to carry out His plan for me, regardless of my plans. If that's true, than whatever "control" I think I have over my life is worthless. There is no reason I should try to exert control over a life that isn't mine to begin with.
I am impatient, I am anxious, and I am stubborn. Thankfully, I serve a God that loves me unconditionally and chooses me despite the lack of patience I have. I can rest in the promises He has made to execute a better plan that will grow me and bless me more than I can imagine. Knowing and believing that is the deepest peace I have ever known.