Roommates: they can be some of your best friends or your worst enemies. So that always poses the question, are more roommates better than less? I currently live in a dorm with one roommate and two suite-mates. Since we're all so close, however, it is like we all live in the same room. I would not trade our situation to live alone for a second. I could not be happier with my roommates and I think that the more roommates is better but it depends on who your roommates are.
The trick to having a lot of roommates is knowing your roommates. I love that I essentially have three other roommates because I know them so well. I know what makes them mad, what makes them sad, and how to cheer them up. That is what it takes to live with three other people, you need to know them inside and out. Of course, you will continue to learn about them as the year goes on. If you have not found these people yet, you will. We did not all start off knowing everything about each other we had to learn it. You can do this too and soon enough will without even realizing it.
Having many roommates can be overwhelming and you may be thinking that you will never get any peace and quiet with more roommates. This is not true, you can have your quiet time with a number of roommates. There comes a point in the semester when everyone becomes stressed because school started to become an overload. This is when everyone in the room starts to keep to themselves because they are either napping or studying. If you get to know your roommates well enough you will know when to leave them alone when you walk into the room and they will know the same thing. Every good roommate should know when to give you your space so this is why it is so important to get to know your roommate.
When having so many roommates it is important that you all are there to support one another. Anyone of your roommates should be able to come to you with anything. They need to be able to rant about a bad grade, a stupid boy, or how they just stubbed their toe. I love that I have three people that I can come to whenever and for whatever. This is key to having a lot or roommates, there always needs to be that support system. It may be hard sometimes because you are always dealing with something too but if you are there for your roommates they will always be there for you too.
Honestly, it depends on the person you are and that is a big determination on how many roommates you should live with. I personally love living with three other people but that is not for everyone. This is not for everyone but I do think that everyone should try living with roommates at least once because who knows they could be the best people in the world and you will only find that out when you are living with them.