Balancing between having a job and being a college student can be very difficult for many people nationwide. Every year many college students deal with the stress of having a job while still balancing out their schoolwork. For many students the stress can become too much causing students to fail multiple classes or even drop out years before they are able to obtain their degree from within their certain major. By dropping out, the student may have the advantage of not being in school any more because it gives employers the opportunity to hire them more likely. Having a job can be stressful it can also be helpful as well. By having a job, it may take some of the excitement of having a very limited social life during the week but however on the weekends it can help to pay for things in which a student would like to do. Without having a job, the student or students would have a social life but would be very limited to what they can do with a limited amount of money. Without money it can take the fun out of being a college student.
Yes having a job and managing school can be difficult but it can also help within classes. What I mean by that is that say a student has to take an internship that person with the job has the advantage because they have the experience which other students may not have. Also it can help in the long run because having a job can help many students pay off those dreaded student loans that also stresses out many students no matter what college or university they plan on or currently attend. Another affect of stress that having a job and managing school can also depend on the amount of classes you have and the amount of work each class is given each week. By having a job, many students focus on the job aspect and focus less on classes because they feel the job is much more important because they are making money whereas in class the student does not make any money at all. Like I said, before it can cause a decrease in grades. Overall it is the student's decision to deal with how to balance the two equally. Both can be stressful but many students find that many classes can be more difficult than others and that having a job can possibly have a much higher increase on the amount of stress levels depending on the person. However having stress can be goof and can also be bad at the same time. If you choose to get a job just be sure that you are able to balance between fun, work and school and the stress levels will not be as high and the amount of stress will start to decrease over time.