When you come from a huge family like I do, you don't always get to see everyone at family parties. Someone is always working, sick, or out of town. Or even when you want to see all of your friends, and you can't seem to match up. That's why every summer, we have a girls' weekend.
Planning a girls' weekend takes a lot of finagling. You have to find a weekend in every schedule that is involved, and even then not everyone can make it. Make sure that you start planning your girls' weekend well in advance.
Preparing for girls' weekend is the most important part. You need to make sure that you have enough food for meals, snacks, and booze to last the whole trip. The more girls invited, the more wine required.
Assigning beds is always a key part but is always forgotten about until everyone is ready to actually go to sleep. But when you have a girls' weekend, usually you stay up so late you don't care where you sleep.
The most important thing about a girls' weekend, Mia, is enjoying the company with you. It's about putting away the phones and turning off Netflix, and just catching up with everyone.