During my brother's junior year of high school, he came out as gay.
The majority of people, both friends, and family, were immensely supportive and very happy for him. There were, however, those few people that just couldn't accept it and their actions reflected that. My guess is that they were uncomfortable with something they couldn't categorize. They didn't know how to react to the unfamiliar. I found that to be so unfortunate because those people had no clue the personality they were missing out on by being so judgmental.
That aside, my brother has been the happiest version of himself since that day and he is one of the most positive-minded people I know. In the last few years, I have come to notice and appreciate some of the wonderful benefits of having a gay brother.
1. He'll never let you leave the house looking ratchet.
Sometimes, because you're human and you make mistakes, you'll think wearing a flowy black dress with a white plaid button-up and tan ankle sandals is a good idea. Thankfully, your fashionista of a brother will swoop in and swiftly question your entire life's choices. He'll say something along the lines of, "Oh my god, child, what are you wearing", while making a face of obvious disapproval. Sure, you might be the girl in the situation, but sometimes your gay brother knows more about fashion than you ever cared to learn; listening to his advice might just benefit you.
2. Beyoncé jams are ALWAYS on deck.
So, remember in "Mean Girls" when Gretchen Wieners mentioned "the rules of feminism"? I'm pretty sure that if someone were to actually find that rulebook, it would state in bold, glitter writing that all females must love and unconditionally hail Queen Bey. Right? I mean almost any female will confess their undying love for her and admit that they jam out to her songs on a daily basis. Well, when you have a gay brother, he not only has every one of her songs, he also never says no to playing them on repeat when you ask him to. Basically, you just have a Beyoncé-dance-party buddy for life!!
3. He will never judge your inner self.
Being gay, he has gone through the judgement of the filthiest swine in society. Because of this, he knows that judging people for who they are on the inside is unacceptable. He embraces your weirdness, your strange interests, your unnecessary tantrums and even your terrible fashion sense, because it's what makes you, you.
NOTICE: Though he loves who you are on the inside, he may or may not judge your outer self on occasion. If you look like a hobo that day, he's going to ruthlessly inform you. On the flip side, if you look good that day, he will compliment you until you feel like the living embodiment of a queen. (Not Queen Bey though, don't get too hype)
4. You have access to a whole new culture.
Speaking from experience with my brother and his crazy friends, gay guys know how to have a good time. You go clubbing with them and you'll have the best time of your life. They are the sassiest, most hilarious bunch of humans to be around and your face will hurt from laughing so hard all night. Not to mention they have drag shows and those are just a blast on their own! Whether you're dancing in a cage at a night club in Dallas after one-to-many vodka Red bulls, or gossiping pool-side at a luxury apartment complex while regretting last nights decisions, you are guaranteed a fun time and some seriously sassy remarks.
5. You have a forever best friend.
He's loves so many things that you love, so you always have a lot to talk about. He'll go shopping with you, get his nails done with you, give you legitimate advice and always have your back. You can talk about boys together and obsess over the same celebrities (have I mentioned Beyoncé yet). He's not only your brother, he's also one of your very best friends. When it comes down to it, if you had to choose between him or a football-playing, deer-hunting, beer-chugging stereotypical brother, you'd happily choose him every time.