Whether if you met them online, studying abroad, or through a letter, they have a special place in your heart. About eight years ago I met one of my favorite people, and she is from another country. It was one of the most eye-opening experiences that I could have had. I also met another of my friends online, which goes to show that meeting people online doesn't need to be scary. It was one of the best decisions that I have made. Having a friend in another country is amazing for so many reasons, but one can't even start to imagine what it is like until you get one. It isn't hard and it doesn't need to be unsafe if you know what to do. Here are some of my experiences with my amazing friends from other countries.
1. You get to share your experiences and life with them.
By getting to talk to them, you get to have a different perspective on your life. It can make your seemingly mundane life more interesting. Maybe they don't get to see the mountains or ocean every day like you do, sharing it with them will make them smile.
2. They are able to help you with your problems.
By either giving you advice or making whatever it is seem smaller, they are always there for you. With their different experiences they can give you a new angle to look at things. Plus it can make your problems seem smaller by talking with them.
3. My favorite part is learning about their cultures and languages first hand.
I love being able to hear about what the differences of our cultures actually are, instead of stereotypes and what I have heard on the news. Sharing music, books, shows, and TV shows with each other helps you get to know one another. It makes the world seem smaller when you know that people on the other side of the world also love NCIS and Beyonce. It also makes the world seem smaller when talking about politics and what is happening in the world. Instead of getting just one opinion on something, you are able to get more.
4. You know they will be there for you.
Even if they don't message you back right away because of a time difference, you know that they will get back to you. When you feel like you just need to talk to someone, they are there. Maybe it is because the distance makes you closer or because you just need someone who is separate to talk to. Somehow, they always know what to say.
5. It gives you a good reason to travel.
Of course I want to go and see them! Traveling is expensive, but going to see friends would make it all worthwhile. Being able to see what they have been telling you about, meeting their friends you have heard about, and being able to go and meet them face to face. Skype is great and all, but nothing can beat the real thing.
Whether you send letters, Skype, Snapchat, message every day or rarely. Somehow it seems like the distance made you closer. It seems like the world is both much larger and tremendously smaller at the same time. I could go on forever with how much I adore my friends in other countries. If you do meet them in real life it is like meeting your other-half, and leaving is so difficult. If you haven't met in real life, you ache until you can, because you feel like you have known them forever and all you want to do is see what it's like. That is why I love my friends in other countries.