There's dog people, then there's crazy dog people. If you identify as the latter, you likely feel a connection to your beloved pet much like that of a parent with their child and you can relate those two relationships in more ways than one.
When they're young, you constantly have to tell people about how they're growing.
Facebook posts of new parents sharing that their baby is "already __ months old!" are pretty easy to find. Though puppy parents don't always share it on Facebook, they are more than happy to give updates on how old and how big their precious baby has gotten. This holds especially true with big dogs, who basically grow like weeds.
You defend their poor choices.
While not all parents are this way, many parents will choose to defend their child to the grave no matter what. Dog parents are often the exact same way. Little Johnny punched someone on the playground? Well, they shouldn't have provoked him. Your puppy dug a hole in the yard? Poor kid didn't know any better.
The sibling rivalry is so real.
The rivalry between dog siblings mirrors that of their human counterparts. Kids fight and cry till one of them eventually gets their way or their parents put an end to it. Dogs are the exact same way. If one gets a treat and the other doesn't, someone isn't going to be happy. If you pet one and not the other, you're gonna have one jealous pup on your hands. Dog siblings may rival kid siblings when it comes to physical aggression though. In a dog's mind, there's nothing biting at your annoying brother's face can't fix.
You love looking back at their baby pictures.
Time flies when you're a parent - puppy or human. You can't believe how fast your little one has grown up and you love looking back at old pictures. Plus, there's not much that's cuter than sleeping babies and sleeping puppies.
They never leave you alone.
So much for that 15 minute nap, right? Like young children, dogs never leave your side. But unlike kids, they never grow out of it. From the first day they step foot into your house, you can always count on your pup to follow you everywhere you go, whether you like it or not.
Taking things away is common punishment.
When kids misbehave, their favorite toy is the first thing to go. When dogs misbehave, they face a similar fate. If they chew too hard on a toy, it's gone. If they try to rip up their bed, no more bed. If they bite your hand when you give them a treat, no more treats. But of course, like kids, they always wind up getting it all back sooner than later.
They're spoiled rotten.
Dogs and kids both have a way of getting exactly what they want - and then some. Your dog may have multiple beds around the house despite the fact that he much prefers laying in your bed, which you begrudgingly accept. Both kids and dogs seem to have an overwhelming amount of toys as well. You just can't pass up getting your puppy a new toy when you're out and about, even though you're well aware that they'll tear it apart within minutes.
You love them more than life itself.
Though they may drive you absolutely nuts, you couldn't imagine life without your dog. They never fail to brighten your worst days and their crazy habits make you laugh harder than you ever have. Like a child, your dog is an addition to your family that you would not be complete without.