Through out the years, the best lesson I have ever learned was to respect myself. Not only should you respect yourself, but also respect others. Yes, we have all heard the saying, "Treat others how you want to be treated," but have we really thought in depth what that means? By respecting yourself, you learn to respect others. So, by saying no to that guy who wants to take it too far, you are helping them in the long-run. Those guys won't remember all the girls they took advantage of, but they will remember that one girl who respected herself enough to not let him go that far with her. The way you treat yourself and others will speak volumes of the type of person you are.
Don't get me wrong, I've made my fair share of mistakes, but it is through those mistakes I learned it all comes down to the way I present myself. If girls allow boys to think it is okay to take advantage of them and to be that girl that will do anything for a guy to like them more, it is only attracting boys and not men.
Don't be that girl that is always available, because everything comes down to respect. Treating your mind, your body, and others with respect will help them see the type of person you are; therefore, not letting anyone mistreat you. Treating yourself with dignity and having a good head on your shoulders will not attract boys who are weak minded and having nothing on their mind but one thing.
Carry yourself with class. Dressing like you are putting your body on display will only make guys have one thing on their mind. Have class and pride about yourself not to do what others are doing. Dress what makes you feel good about yourself, and not dress in a way that draws more attention to your body instead of who you are.
Don't be the girl who will do anything for a guy to like them, but instead be the girl you would want your future son or your brother to date.
It all starts with girls respecting themselves. We are always complaining about how most guys want is one thing, but if we aren't respecting ourselves, how are we helping them in the long run? It starts with girls respecting themselves to turn around the way boys think about women.