Your first love. Boyfriend. Amigo. Pal. Best friend. Every girl has once fantasized about what it would be like just having that Prince Charming riding on the white horse saving them from some fantasy world. But let's be real. Having a boyfriend is not all prancing in roses.
Nowadays, you expect to have him text back within' five minutes. Well, that just does not happen. But is that such a bad thing? If he's texting back right away it usually means he's doing nothing. Why do you want to date someone doing nothing? Or maybe he is busy but if he is, why would you want to date someone who will take out his phone and text you when during that time he should be doing something else. Him not texting back right away doesn't mean he doesn't care, he's just busy.
You expect the perfect man. But there is no such thing. He will be the man he is around you and that should be considered perfect. He will laugh, fart, snore, cry, burp, and maybe even forget something you find important. But you know, you find perfection in his imperfections. The way he's comfortable around you. How he's just himself. That's what's perfect. If he was perfect all the time you would get bored. Eventually, it would drive you crazy. You don't want the perfect man. You want someone who isn't perfect, someone who is okay with being vulnerable around you. That's what is perfect in a relationship.
Having someone there at your every want.That's not realistic. No one is going to be there at every call for when you just want something. You can't be dependent on one person solely. It's not healthy for you and it's not healthy for him either. While yes it may be nice to have someone giving you everything you want, but it's never going to happen. You have to be independent. For him and for yourself. Independence is sexy. You'll feel better and so will he. Besides, after a month no guy is going to constantly serve you. He'll get tired of it and might walk away.
Having a boyfriend is great. You have a friendship you can only have in a relationship. But it also comes with hard times. Fights, arguments, crying, and laughing. We all have these high unrealistic expectations of what it should be like. But the reality is better than the fantasy. You don't want the perfect man who serves you, he's not supposed to be your butler. He's there to make you want to be better, and vice versa. Don't get angry when your expectations aren't met, but understand the reality of what a relationship is and then you won't even care about the fairytale.