As cliché as it might sound, I've discovered a new trigger of my own anxiety, and the answer is maintaining my Snapchat streaks with my friends. How could something so stupid and simple create anxiety in one's life? Well here, in my opinion, are the reasons.
Imagine this scenario. You wake up every day and send a blank, random Snapchat to whomever you have a streak with, expecting an answer when they're awake themselves. However, you don't seem to receive one and next thing you know it's 3:30 p.m. and you're thinking, what, why haven't you answered me yet?
This results in the deep thoughts of what you did wrong to the person on the other side of the streak. Did you send them the wrong picture or offended them somehow unintentionally? The minute the hour glass emoji appears next to someone's name is when I'm halfway across my seat hitting my nails. Will the person respond back before it's broken, or will it be lost forever?
In addition, though, you sometimes think of the streaks as one-sided as possible because it's like you send others funny or decent images, and they send you nice blank images of the wall or floor, which is confusing. It's just the emojis that keep the other individual from destroying the streak.
It's not my fault if my counter partner doesn't respond. I did my share and sent my one image for the day to maintain the steak but still have yet to receive one. Although it seems like such a simple and pointless task for someone to complete, it's the thing that's controlling your future (with the emojis next to individuals names). A mindful intent of responding daily can really relive the massive amount of anxiety and frustration one is exposed toward the application and the other users. Be mindful of this and always remember to respond to your Snapchat streak because the hourglass emoji isn't a nice sign.