When you look at a tree, what do you see? (Oh, look, I'm Seuss)
I know, I know. You see a tree. But, do you see just the tree? Or is there more to it?
You're probably think, "A tree is a tree. Of course I see a tree when I look at a tree. You make no sense."
I don't. I mean, sure, it's a true, and a nice one at that. But, I also see the branches the consume space, and each little twig branching off of it. I see the pattern in the bark and the little bugs that call the tree it's home. I see the tree's beauty.
I like to believe it's because I have an artsy eye. I adore the beauty of simple things, and imagine the work of art they are, and could become. I'm blown away by some of the ideas I get from looking as a mere tree.
My artistic eye is my favorite thing about me. It makes my world brighter. I couldn't imagine staring t a tree and just thinking "So tall" or "Thanks for helping be breathe, buddy". No thank you.
I love that have the capability to make things that I picture. I'm painted so many quotes, mixed so many pictures, created so many ads for minuscule things, and I've turned song lyrics into typography happiness.
Art makes me so happy.
Now, I know a lot of people don't have the eye for some things (or the ear if we're talking music). In my years of art, so many people have said "I wish I had an artistic bone in my body" or "I just don't really see things like that". And that honestly makes me sad.
How could someone not see something in a way that looks 10x more beautiful. I don't think it should be legal. It's just not right.
If you're a person that doesn't really have an eye for this kind of stuff, I'm so sorry. I hope you do have something that makes you happy though. Maybe someday, someone can show you how they see things. Until then, you do you, and be happy.
I hope everyone does things that make them happy. Art just happens to be mine.