10 Reasons Why Having A Boyfriend is Especially Best Around The Holidays | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Having A Boyfriend Is Especially Awesome Around The Holidays

No better time of the year than winter break to make all the memories with your honey.

10 Reasons Having A Boyfriend Is Especially Awesome Around The Holidays

A date for looking at Christmas lights is on the top of the list, for sure.

1. You have someone to do all of the festive activities with.

He's like your built-in partner for everything. Wanna watch a movie? Take a nap? Need someone to help you clean your room? You've got your person.

2. You can steal his hoodies when it's chilly outside.

It doesn't even have to be cold for you to want to. Chances are it's a size or two bigger than you need and his cologne is all over it.

3. Chances are he's more willing to drive in the snow than you are. 

Guys typically have a little more of a heavy duty vehicle. If you've got a good man, he might even rescue you an hour away in a blizzard if you think you're tougher than the weather.

4. Christmas movie partner!

Do I need to add more?

5. He can always keep you warm

Bear hugs. Cuddles. His truck's dual air 90-degree heat on your side. He'll find a way to keep you warm.

6. You have a family holiday events partner.

Multiple Thanksgivings and Christmases are a breeze with your favorite person by your side. Plus, now no one can ask you where your plus one is or why you're still single.

7. Matching Christmas pajamas.

I don't know about you, but my family has matching Christmas jammies every year. You can even get your favorite person in on them too for a cute Insta picture.

8. Your errand-running partner.

He's your built-in Christmas shopping partner so you aren't bored standing in line forever or while you're still shopping and he can act as your place holder.

9. You aren't the only single one in your family on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day anymore.

It's awkward when all of your siblings are taking pictures with their significant others and you're not... but when you've found your person, you can do all the same things, including looking forward to your new year's kiss.

10. Making more memories

No better time of the year than winter break to make all the memories with your honey while freezing together outside or sweating by the fireplace.

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