There are things we all need for school, and our must-needs may vary from person to person. Here is what I found that everyone should have one of.
1. An ID holder/keychain
It can hold your money, your school ID, your keys, anything important. Especially between classes and quick errands, you may not want to carry a purse. It is a simple way to keep everything safe and secure and in one spot, so you don't loose it.
2. Mini fridge
This technically is not a must, especially if you and your roommate are willing to share one or if one of you already have one, but it is nice to keep some fresh fruit or some cold drinks on hand and not have to go to the dining hall for small necessitates .
3. Shower shoes
You absolutely 100 percent need these. You do not know who's used the shower before you or if it's totally clean. Protect your feet from the bacteria that may be hiding and from the "gross" floors.
4. Umbrella and rain boots
I found out the hard way that you definitely need rain boots and an umbrella for those heavy down pours when you have class. Class won't be cancelled no matter how hard it is raining.
5. Bed risers
They are cheap and inexpensive and give you a hand in storage space. Lifting your bed up a couple more inches makes a huge difference. It allows you to put so many more things under your bed and not out in the limited open space you have.
These are my absolute musts for school. I hope this inspires you to think of school supplies you may need or want to get now or for the future. Happy school shopping!