Why I Write | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Write

I write because creating something that didn't exist before is as close to magic as I will ever get.

Why I Write

Last week was the first time that I decided to share my poetry with the world (other than my mom of course). I was hesitant and scared beyond belief, but I am so glad that I did it. As a person who is very critical of her own writing, always second-guessing herself, this was a big jump for me. The second poem I decided to share below is a poem dedicated to my love for writing. It is an ode to writers everywhere.

My Escape

By: Annie Sullivan

A blank sheet of paper and pen
Possibilities are endless
Time and time again

Ideas hit me like the sea
Words flow like a river
I’m sure you can agree

For some it’s a blessing
For others it’s a challenge
For me, it’s all about distressing

Escape to a secret world
Create my own fantasy
Let my imagination unfurl

Freedom of expression
There is no judgment
There is also no discretion

Let it all out
Express how I feel
Always have something to talk about

Distinct rhythm and beat
Like a song
A melody so sweet

Each word will prolong
Reaching further than the paper
Filled with meaning so strong

We turn to it for serenity
We cherish it above all else
It is our identity

It is for me what it is for you
A connection so deep
A love so true

I have found writing to be one of my strong suits ever since I can remember. I would sit at indoor recess in fourth and fifth grade writing my own short stories that never seemed to get finished. Nothing like a Nicholas Sparks novel or anything, but I liked to think someone would read them one day. Time and time again, I'll discover random notebooks laying around the house with some of my stories in them, and I can't help but smile.

As I grew up, my teachers would always express to me how impressed they were with my writing. They could tell that I was passionate with my words. While many kids dreaded writing essays, I thrived off of it. I made writing fun and never looked back. I never viewed writing as a chore or forced task, instead seeing it as an opportunity to have my voice be heard.

I began writing for The Odyssey around this time last summer and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Being given this platform is truly remarkable because it allows us to share our articles around the world. The possibilities are endless. It has sparked my passion for writing once again and has reminded me why I love it so much. My experience has given me reason to believe that I could definitely see myself entering a career focusing in on journalism in the future!

I find myself fitting into this generation quite well because it is filled with individuals who aren't afraid to voice their opinions and concerns. Everyone wants their voice to be heard and it's a truly beautiful thing. Whether we realize it at times or not, words are stronger than meets the eyes or ears. What you write or say can prove to be trans-formative. You never know who might read your writing giving them a new found hope or fearlessness moving towards the future.

So, I guess what I've learned most through my love for writing is to never question your purpose. Don't be afraid of failure or having your words be misconstrued. By taking the time to write a short story or opinion piece, you are providing the world with wonderful and new insight. Just like you have been inspired by many writers throughout your life, you may be doing the same for so many others.

Writing is a funny thing. Sometimes you don't even know what you truly think about a particular issue until you put it into words on a piece of paper and read it. Even with my hectic schedule and all that life has to offer, finding time to write is what keeps me sane. I write to let others know that they are not alone. I write to tell the world what I want and strive for in life. I write because it's good for the soul. I write in order to cherish and remember special moments of the past and present. I sometimes write to talk about things that I may not be ready to talk about out loud.

Writing does not come easy or resonate with everyone. Being granted the ingenuity to create your own works of art is something special. Being a writer is unique; I've been given this gift and I refuse to let it go to waste.

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