Hamilton is a broadway musical meant to recreate and portray the amazing existence of Alexander Hamilton, the immigrant who created our financial system. Alexander Hamilton is not only an amazing person but Lin Manuel Miranda simply brought this historical figure to life in the most beautiful way imaginable, through Theatre.
Although I have not seen Hamilton in person yet I do listen to the soundtrack quite often. Here's ten lyrics that I think empower all who listen because if they can do it so can we.
1. There’s nothing rich folks love more/ Than going downtown and slummin’ it with the poor
- "The Schuyler Sisters"
2. I’m a trust fund, baby, you can trust me!
- "The Schuyler Sisters"
3. Then you walked in and my heart went “Boom!”/ Tryin’ to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
- "Helpless"
4. There's a million things you haven't done just you wait.
- "Alexander Hamilton"
5. I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory
- "Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)"
6. When you knock me down I get the fuck back up again!
- "Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)"
7. Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?/ Soon that attitude may be your doom!
- "Non-Stop"
8. I know your work’s important/ But I’m crossing the ocean and I just can’t wait
- "Take A Break"
9. You said you were mine/ I thought you were mine
10. “Be careful with that one, love/ He will do what it takes to survive.”
- "Burn"
11. I will not equivocate on my opinion/ I have always worn it on my sleeve/ Even if I said what you think I said
- "Your Obedient Servant"
12. I can’t apologize because it’s true
- "Your Obedient Servant"
While writing this article, although simple, I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack like I usually do. It's so emotional for me and I started crying because of its beauty. I know it's already popularized and mainstream, but if you have no idea what the soundtrack sounds like then you're missing out. Here's their official soundtrack page. Listen closely and enjoy.